The Lecture Series
The lecture series consists of a simple easy to understand teaching method that brings clarity for the student Pilates teacher to understand the intricacies of anatomy, kinesiology , contraindications, modifications and how they are applied to the Pilates teacher program.
Our philosophy is to keep the lecture series simple, easy to understand and practical for all future Pilates student teachers to become the very best at what they love to do.
Study, Practice, Review!
The Equipment
The Pilates Mat
Mat work is the foundation of all Pilates work. Joseph Pilates designed his exercise method so that the same exercises could be performed on different pieces of equipment with different benefits. With Mat work, the body does not receive any assistance from an apparatus. Props are often used to challenge the body and ensure correct placement.
The Pilates Mat can vary from an upholstered wooden platform with handles to a thick pad, which can be used anywhere. The portable mat is thick and dense to support the body and pad the bones. Performing Pilates Mat work on a thinner mat, such as a yoga mat, can be uncomfortable and lead to bruising. Mat work can be done anywhere and is the ultimate form of Pilates for keeping in shape when traveling or when short of time.
Joseph Pilates would give his clients Mat work as homework between sessions at his New York City gym. It builds tremendous strength and connections while being the most affordable Pilates work out. Work on the apparatuses will deepen mind-body connections, improve alignment and form, and strengthen the body for Mat work.

The Reformer
The Reformer has a moving carriage that allows exercises to be appropriate for students ranging from beginner to advanced. The spring resistance paired with the moving carriage allows the teacher to modify exercises according to the client’s level. The spring weight and straps encourage the client to work at controlling different movements in various planes. Another unique part of the Reformer is the moving foot bar that can be used for both the feet and hands. With over a hundred classical exercises the possibilities for the Reformer are endless.

The Pilates Chair
The Chair increases balance and control of the body, making it great for both advanced clientele and athletes. Adjustable spring resistance is the key to challenging clients with this piece of equipment. This apparatus activates the lower back, buttocks, shoulders, transverse abdominals, pelvic region, and heightens neuromuscular coordination.

The Trapeze Table
The Trapeze (trap) table was designed by Joseph Pilates to help rehabilitate injuries. It is widely used to provide a stable base of support for Pilates exercises, while assisting in finding range of motion, increased flexibility and core strength.
The Trapeze table also provides a base to perform more advanced exercises and an opportunity to provide balance through the use of spring tension designed to work both sides of the body. It also provides an opportunity to do exercises that are also performed on the Mat, Reformer, and on other Pilates equipment. The Trapeze table is of great advantage to the client who has limited movements, balance issues, or difficulty getting up and down from the floor.

The Magic Circle
With a variety of sizes and resistance options, this piece of equipment is ideal for all bodies. It is rumored that Joseph Pilates designed the Magic Circle using the metal ring from the top of a beer keg. The original circle was metal and wood; updates to the prop includes covering the metal ring, adding padding to the handles, and using plastic instead of wood.
The entire Mat series can be adapted to use the Magic Circle. This small piece of equipment can also be used in conjunction with the main apparatuses. It helps to keep clients stable and correctly aligned without verbal cues. The Magic Circle is ideal for targeting the inner thighs and strengthening the hips. It is also used to strengthen the arms, shoulders, and neck.

The Spine Corrector
There are varying sizes of this piece of equipment to accommodate body size and spinal flexibility. The apparatus has handholds that are either cut out from the wood or attached to the sides. These assist with keeping the body stable and preventing the apparatus from sliding away during inverted exercises.

The Ladder Barrel
Joseph Pilates emphasized the importance of flexibility of the spine, and therefore this important piece of Pilates equipment is a good addition to the repertoire and can provide great benefits to the Pilates practitioner.
The ladder position is attached to the barrel, but adjustable to accommodate varying body sizes and abilities, making it a versatile piece of equipment as well.

“A few well designed movements, properly performed in a balanced sequence, are worth hours of doing sloppy calisthenics or forced contortion.”
Joseph H. Pilates